Editorials Films Gone Wild Nolan Dean talks RAP SQUAD: HOT SPRINGS DOCUMENTARY Film Fest INTERVIEW; hip-hop and spoken word to heal community 5th Nov, 2020
Editorials Films Gone Wild Yi Chen’s FIRST VOTE: HOT SPRINGS DOCUMENTARY Film Fest INTERVIEWS; electoral process from Chinese Americans perspective 3rd Nov, 2020
Editorials Films Gone Wild Anabel Rodrigues Rios’ ONCE UPON A TIME IN VENEZUELA: HOT SPRINGS DOCUMENTARY Film Fest INTERVIEWS; villagers of Congo Mirador struggle with pollution 3rd Nov, 2020
Editorials Films Gone Wild Minna Dufton’s BIG VS SMALL at HOT SPRINGS DOCUMENTARY Film Festival INTERVIEWS; giant wave surfer in Portugal, Joana Andrade 2nd Nov, 2020
Editorials Films Gone Wild Nathalie Bibeau’s THE WALRUS AND THE WHISTLEBLOWER at HOT SPRINGS DOCUMENTARY Film Fest INTERVIEW; trainer at Canada’s Niagara Falls Marineland takes them on 2nd Nov, 2020
Editorials Films Gone Wild Lisa Molomot and Jeff Bemiss’ MISSING IN BROOKS COUNTY at HOT SPRINGS DOCUMENTARY Film Fest INTERVIEW; explores immigration 2nd Nov, 2020
Editorials Films Gone Wild Jessica Earnshaw’s JACINTA interview at HOT SPRINGS DOCUMENTARY Film Fest; struggles to overcome addiction 31st Oct, 2020
Editorials Films Gone Wild Khadifa Wong’s UPROOTED: THE JOURNEY OF JAZZ DANCE interview at HOT SPRINGS DOCUMENTARY Film Festival INTERVIEW; exploration of jazz dance’s history 31st Oct, 2020
Editorials Films Gone Wild Melanie Addington and the Oxford Film Festival: Regional Film Fests killing it (versus being killed) during the year of COVID 23rd Oct, 2020