Films Gone Wild FILMS GONE WILD: Judge Wapner and that time I was on The People’s Court 4th Mar, 2017
Films Gone Wild FILMS GONE WILD: The loss of Bill Paxton, the people person surpasses the loss of the talented actor and filmmaker – and that says a lot 1st Mar, 2017
Films Gone Wild FILMS GONE WILD: Danny Glover at the Oxford Film Festival and the accomplishment of a star actually showing up to the fest 22nd Feb, 2017
Films Gone Wild FILMS GONE WILD: The Fort Worth Star-Telegram’s Cary Darling shows everyone how to actually be a film journalist by making a single phone call 14th Feb, 2017
Films Gone Wild FILMS GONE WILD: So who exactly are the snowflakes? Budweiser’s Super Bowl ad hurts the feelings of delicate conservatives all over again 7th Feb, 2017
Films Gone Wild FILMS GONE WILD: Today my name is Angela. (Or let’s not sweat the small stuff, shall we?) 4th Feb, 2017
Films Gone Wild FILMS GONE WILD: Hollywood’s New World Order – Amazon and Netflix takes over the business of studios & mid-budget star-driven dramas and comedies 2nd Feb, 2017
Films Gone Wild FILMS GONE WILD: FESTWORKS.COM covers regional fests and film discoveries that happen there. Do you even give a damn about that? 1st Feb, 2017
Films Gone Wild Is Dallas’ Film Community Giving Up Its Film Incentives Without a Fight? State Representative Matt Shaheen, Konni Burton, Bob Hall speak up 17th Jan, 2017