FESTIVAL NEWS: The 2017 Dallas Comedy Festival Red Carpet Photos

The 2017 Dallas Comedy Festival added a new wrinkle to it’s regularly scheduled hoopla and fanfare, as the fest invited the comics, comedians, and funny people to get their photos taken and do interviews on the red carpet this year..

The sign will direct you to find the funny... (Photo Lindsay Jones)
The sign will direct you to find the funny… (Photo Lindsay Jones)

FCC (Jerrell Curry, Julia Cotton, Jade Smith, Paulos Feerow) take the red carpet plunge (Photo Lindsay Jones)
The members of FCC (Jerrell Curry, Julia Cotton, Jade Smith, Paulos Feerow) take the red carpet plunge (Photo Lindsay Jones)

Saffron Herndon (Photo Lindsay Jones)
Saffron Herndon (Photo Lindsay Jones)

Clifton Hall (Photo Lindsay Jones)
Clifton Hall (Photo Lindsay Jones)

FCC being interviewed by That Nerd Show (Photo Lindsay Jones)
FCC being interviewed by That Nerd Show (Photo Lindsay Jones)

Saffron Herndon talking to Hollywood Hernandez (Photo Daphne Street)
Saffron Herndon talking to Hollywood Hernandez (Photo Daphne Street)

Blacklist Improv (George Awad, Marlene Thompson, Allen Law, Clifton Hall) (Photo Lindsay Jones)
Blacklist Improv (George Awad, Marlene Thompson, Allen Law, Clifton Hall) (Photo Lindsay Jones)

The ladies that run the show: Maggie Rieth Austin and Amanda Austin (Photo Lindsay Jones)
The ladies that run the show: Maggie Rieth Austin and Amanda Austin (Photo Lindsay Jones)

That Nerd Show gets the lowdown from Saffron Herndon (Photo Lindsay Jones)
That Nerd Show gets the lowdown from Saffron Herndon (Photo Lindsay Jones)

The Late 90s (Vince Portacci, John Sabine, Steph Cook, Clayton Margeson, Ollie Hobson, Scott Morehead) (Photo Lindsay Jones)
The Late 90s (Vince Portacci, John Sabine, Steph Cook, Clayton Margeson, Ollie Hobson, Scott Morehead) (Photo Lindsay Jones)

We Are Thomasse (Nick Afka Thomas, Sarah Ann Masse) 3.21.17 (Photo Lindsay Jones)
We Are Thomasse (Nick Afka Thomas, Sarah Ann Masse) (Photo Lindsay Jones)

Hollywood Hernandez gets some insider info from FCC (Photo Daphne Street)
Hollywood Hernandez gets some insider info from FCC (Photo Daphne Street)

Tom Davenport tried to pass himself off as Tom Delgado. Maybe, he liked his material better... (Photo Lindsay Jones)
Tom Davenport tried to pass himself off as Tom Delgado. Maybe, he liked his material better… (Photo Lindsay Jones)

Gretchen Young (Photo Lindsay Jones)
Gretchen Young (Photo Lindsay Jones)

The Late 90s being interviewed (Photo Lindsay Jones)
The Late 90s being interviewed (Photo Lindsay Jones)

Directing Gretchen Young's interview (Photo Lindsay Jones)
Directing Gretchen Young’s interview (Photo Lindsay Jones)

The real Tom Delgado (Photo Lindsay Jones)
The real Tom Delgado (Photo Lindsay Jones)

Erica Dawson (Photo Lindsay Jones)
Erica Dawson (Photo Lindsay Jones)

Pavlov's Dogs (Dale Alexander, Nick Cernoch, Emily Alexander, Danny Denver) (Photo Lindsay Jones)
Pavlov’s Dogs (Dale Alexander, Nick Cernoch, Emily Alexander, Danny Denver) (Photo Lindsay Jones)

Kyle & Maggie Austin (Photo Lindsay Jones)
Kyle & Maggie Austin (Photo Lindsay Jones)

Pavlov's Dogs being interviewed (Photo Lindsay Jones)
Pavlov’s Dogs being interviewed (Photo Lindsay Jones)

The 1995 Chicago Bulls (Jua, Ryan Goldsburry, Jon Patrick, Jason Hensol, Cesar Villa) (Photo Lindsay Jones)
The 1995 Chicago Bulls (Jua, Ryan Goldsburry, Jon Patrick, Jason Hensol, Cesar Villa) (Photo Lindsay Jones)

Tabooze (Brian Harrington, Scrivin Bernard) (Photo Lindsay Jones)
Tabooze (Brian Harrington, Scrivin Bernard) (Photo Lindsay Jones)

Why It Brite (Sarah Wyatt, Ashley Bright) (Photo Lindsay Jones)
Why It Brite (Sarah Wyatt, Ashley Bright) (Photo Lindsay Jones)

Serious Robots (Britany Harwood, Robert Gaffaney, Jennifer Dutschmann, Kate Allman) (Photo Lindsay Jones)
Serious Robots (Britany Harwood, Robert Gaffaney, Jennifer Dutschmann, Kate Allman) (Photo Lindsay Jones)