FILM FESTIVAL NEWS: Cine Las Americas cancels 23rd edition, but plans are in the works for alternative 2020 presentations

Cine Las Americas’ board of directors and staff announced today that the 23rd annual film festival, scheduled for May 6-10, will be cancelled.

Considerations include the restrictions set in place by the City of Austin, as well as other applicable information and CDC directives.

Festival personnel have already begun the process of exploring new ideas and new ways to share variations of the festival’s programming later this year, and to celebrate Latinx and Indigenous filmmakers and artists in a manner that provides for the safety of all concerned.

Cine Las Americas, like all arts organizations, has been following the guidelines put forth by local city, county, state, and federal authorities in terms of responding to the coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak. Therefore, screenings and events CLA had previously planned to co-present with community partners throughout this month had already been cancelled or postponed in accordance with instructions regarding public gatherings as suggested by the CDC, directed by the City of Austin, and implemented by their partners. However, a final decision regarding the film festival itself had not been made until now.

CLA Executive Director Jean Anne Lauer, said, “I am confident I speak for our board, staff, volunteers, sponsors, venues, vendors and many more who work with us year-round in preparation for what would have been the 23rd edition of this wonderful film festival, that it is truly heart-breaking to make a decision like this. However, we know that this is the right course of action. We appreciate the love and support we receive from our CLA family, our Austin community, and – of course – our filmmakers. We appreciate everyone’s patience as well as we sort out a path forward that will allow us to share some exceptional films with our audiences and celebrate the filmmakers whose talent and voices we seek to champion.”

At a later date, Cine Las Americas will announce its plans moving forward for 2020. While nothing has been set or confirmed, the organization is considering presenting an online showcase of films that would have been screened at this year’s film festival, as well as a re-invigorated and re-imagined year-round series of presentations once restrictions on public gatherings are lifted and both the City of Austin, the CDC, and CLA itself, feels it is safe to do so. As is the case with all arts organizations, those decisions will be made strictly prioritizing the health and safety of all participants.

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Cine Las Americas cancels 23rd edition, but plans are in the works for alternative 2020 presentations