FILM FESTIVAL NEWS: The 2018 San Luis Obispo International Film Festival Announces Filmmaker Awards and Wraps Up a Fest Highlighted by Surf Nite, Wine Country, and the amazing Pam Grier

The 2018 San Luis Obispo Film Festival announced the winners of their jury and audience awards during closing night events held over consecutive evenings, Saturday, March 17, and Sunday, March 18, at San Luis Obispo’s legendary Fremont Theatre. Leading the way for the jury awards were Harris Doran’s BEAUTY MARK (Best Narrative Feature) and Moon Chang-Yong and Jeon Jin’s BECOMING WHO I WAS (Best Documentary Feature). Audience Award winners were topped by Peter Luisi’s STREAKER (Flitzer), chosen as Best Narrative Feature, Julie Simone’s FIDDLIN’ winning audience favor as Best Documentary Feature, and Mark Hayes’s documentary SKID ROW MARATHON taking the Best of Fest award.

Vicki Vlasic, Julie Simone (FIDDLIN'), Joe Gillette (RECEPTION), Gabby & Mark Hayes (SKID ROW MARATHON)(Photo by Brittany App)
Vicki Vlasic, Julie Simone (FIDDLIN’), Joe Gillette (RECEPTION), Gabby & Mark Hayes (SKID ROW MARATHON)(Photo by Brittany App)

The George Sidney Independent Film Awards took place on Saturday, preceding the presentation of SLO’s King Vidor Award to 70s cinema icon, Pam Grier. The festival’s Student Filmmaker Awards and Audience Awards were announced the following evening, prior to the presentation of SLO’s Spotlight Award to Academy Award-nominated screenwriter Robin Swicord.

King Vidor Award honoree Pam Grier (Photo by Brittany App)
King Vidor Award honoree Pam Grier (Photo by Brittany App)

“The winning films highlighted the variety and scope of the programming offered to our film fans this year,” said San Luis Obispo Film Festival Director Wendy Eidson. “The SLO Film Fest demonstrated once again that sandwiched between our celebration of the surfing community, wine country, local films and filmmakers and honorees, is a slate of competition films that are challenging and provocative, as well as being entertaining – and our jury members and audiences responded enthusiastically to that.”

Spotlight Award honoree Robin Swicord (Photo by Johannes Beals)
Spotlight Award honoree Robin Swicord (Photo by Johannes Beals)

Additional winners in the George Sidney Independent Film Awards category were Marcus Markou’s TWO STRANGERS WHO MEET FIVE TIMES (Best Narrative Short Film), Matthew Gelb’s PRINCE OF SMOKE (Best Documentary Short Film), and Joel Fendelman’s MAN ON FIRE (Best Student Film). The short films chosen for Audience Award nods were Joe Gilette’s RECEPTION (Best Narrative Short Film), and Ric and Jen Serena’s MY INDIANA MUSE (Best Documentary Short Film).
Winners of the Central Coast Filmmaker Awards were; Gail Osherenko’s BROKE: THE SANTA BARBARA OIL SPILL OF 2015 (Best Documentary Feature); Haley White’s MAUDIE (Best Narrative Short Film); Casey McGarry’s THE BOAT MAKER (Best Documentary Short Film); and John Gallen and Alex Faoro’s DADDY (Best Student Film).

Student Award winners Logan Gilbert (HOW TO KEEP WILDLIFE SAFE), Isabella Masrouga (MONSTERS) (Photo by Brittany App)
Student Award winners Logan Gilbert (HOW TO KEEP WILDLIFE SAFE), Isabella Masrouga (MAYBE THE MONSTER) (Photo by Brittany App)

Sunday also featured awards given to the top high school and middle school students whose films screened in SLO’s Filmmakers of Tomorrow Showcase. Best Individual Achievement went to Raymond’s PEEL (High School), and Isabella Masrouga’s MAYBE THE MONSTER (Middle School). The films chosen for Best Group Achievement were Grant Thorshov’s MINDTRAP (High School), and Liliana Monge, Sage Taub,and  Kai Monge’s THE WILD CHILD (Middle School). Gregory Thom’s ONE LIFE won Best SLO County, Logan Gilbert’s HOW TO KEEP WILDLIFE SAFE took The Wild World We Love Award, and Leonardo Perez’s THE GOURMET STRAY was named Best Animated Film. There was a tie in the Best International Film category, with Partho Gupte’s JASMINE STUNG (India), and Yiwen Gong’s CYCLE, CYCLE, CYCLE (China) sharing the top prize.
The San Luis Obispo International Film Festival opened with a large and enthusiastic crowd enjoying Shubhashish Bhutiani’s HOTEL SALVATION at the Fremont Theatre before continuing the Bollywood-themed evening under the SLO festival’s tent at the Mission steps with Indian dancers from the Cal Poly Student Association, party favors, Central Coast wine, beer and a mixture of savory Indian and American food. However, that evening actually managed to pale in comparison to the raucous standing room only crowd that turned out for the festival’s signature “Surf Nite” also at the Fremont, featuring Tim Bonython’s latest film, THE BIG WAVE PROJECT and Ross Haines’s THE AGAVE GUN.
Other highlights included filmmaker panels featuring Spotlight Award honoree Robin Swicord, Nicholas Kazan (REVERSAL OF FORTUNE), Anthony Peckham (INVICTUS), Scott Budnick (THE HANGOVER), and others. Programming and events also highlighted women and female filmmakers, like the ironically-titled “Women Belong in the Kitchen,” where female chefs and restaurant owners competed in a “Chopped”-style competition, before the documentary A FINE LINE, about the rarity of women in commercial kitchens. LET IT SHINE, a film documenting the SLO Women’s March, and Jennifer Townsend’s CATCHING SIGHT OF THELMA & LOUISE, the 79-year-old first-time filmmaker’s in-depth look into the effects of that iconic film many years after its release, were screened among others.

King Vidor Award honoree Pam Grier and Ben Mankiewicz talk about her amazing and fascinating career. (Photo by Alan Fraser)
King Vidor Award honoree Pam Grier and Ben Mankiewicz talk about her amazing and fascinating career. (Photo by Alan Fraser)

The San Luis Obispo International Film Festival was capped by the award presentations featuring two accomplished women in film, with Pam Grier receiving the King Vidor Award on Saturday night. She then participated in a lively conversation with Turner Classic Movies host Ben Mankiewicz in which she regaled the SLO audience with stories including teaching Fellini how to make fried chicken, being thrown out of the Troubadour with John Lennon, and Quentin Tarantino stopping L.A. traffic to meet her. The next evening, Robin Swicord spoke with Variety’s Jenelle Riley after receiving the festival’s Spotlight Award and discussed the realities of being a woman writing and making films in Hollywood.

Variety's Jenelle Riley & Robin Swicord talk about the struggles inherent with being a female filmmaker. (Photo by Brittany App)
Variety’s Jenelle Riley & Robin Swicord talk about the struggles inherent with being a female filmmaker. (Photo by Brittany App)

2018 San Luis Obispo International Film Festival Jury
Ryan Cooley – Arts Editor (New Times)
John Hampian – Production Manager/Producer (Mad Men, Kingdom, Magic City)
Kirk Honeycutt – Author/Film Critic/Journalist (Dodge College of Film and Media Arts at Chapman University)
Betsy Kalin – Producer/Director (ROOF, HEARTS CRACKED OPEN, CHAINED!)
Camilla Lanham – Editor (New Times)
Sarah Linn – Entertainment Editor (The Tribune)
Cindy Myers – Screenwriter (A Woman of Independent Means, Incident in a Small Town)
Tom Walters – Writer/Producer/Director (BOTSO)
Lia Rinaldo – Managing Director (Devour! The Food Film Fest)


The 2018 San Luis Obispo Film Festival Award Winners:

BEAUTY MARK – Best Narrative Feature
Director: Harris Doran
BECOMING WHO I WAS – Best Documentary Feature
Directors: Moon Chang-Yong, Jeon Jin
Director: Marcus Markou
PRINCE OF SMOKE – Best Documentary Short Film
Director: Matthew Gelb
MAN ON FIRE – Best Student Film
Director: Joel Fendelman
STREAKER (Flitzer) – Best Narrative Feature
Director: Peter Luisi
FIDDLIN’ – Best Documentary Feature
Director: Julie Simone
SKID ROW MARATHON – Best in the Fest
Director: Mark Hayes
RECEPTION – Best Narrative Short Film
Director: Joe Gillette
MY INDIANA MUSE Best Documentary Short Film
Directors: Ric Serena, Jen Serena
BROKE: THE SANTA BARBARA OIL SPILL OF 2015 – Best Documentary Feature
Director: Gail Osherenko
MAUDIE – Best Narrative Short Film
Director: Haley White

– Best Documentary Short Film
Director: Casey McGarry

– Best Student Film
Directors: John Gallen, Alex Faoro
PEEL – Best Individual Achievement (High School)
Director: Raymond
MAYBE THE MONSTER – Best Individual Achievement (Middle School)
Director: Isabella Masrouga
MINDTRAP – Best Group Achievement (High School)
Director: Grant Thorshov
THE WILD CHILD – Best Group Achievement (Middle School)
Directors: Liliana Monge, Sage Taub, Kai Monge
ONE LIFE – Best SLO County
Director: Gregory Thom
HOW TO KEEP WILDLIFE SAFE – The Wild World We Love Award
Director: Logan Gilbert
THE GOURMET STRAY – Best Animated Film
Director: Leonardo Perez
JASMINE STUNG – Best International Film (TIE)
Director: Partho Gupte
Country: India
CYCLE, CYCLE, CYCLE – Best International Film (TIE)
Director: Yiwen Gong
Country: China