FILM FESTIVAL NEWS: Savannah Bloch’s AND THEN THERE WAS EVE Opens The Women Texas Film Festival’s Opening Night Red Carpet at Studio Movie Grill had filmmakers, a City Councilman, and the first Trans mayor – all there to celebrate the 2nd year of WTxFF
Savannah Bloch’s AND THEN THERE WAS EVE Opens The Women Texas Film Festival (WTxFF) with a busy red carpet at Studio Movie Grill’s Northwest Highway theaters in Dallas.
The 2nd year of the only full-fledged, female-focused film festival in all of Texas opened with Savannah Bloch’s award winner, AND THEN THERE WAS EVE, and the Trans community (including the mayor of New Hope, Texas) came out in force to support and check out the film. City Councilman Omar Narvaez (of the 6th District) was also on hand to present a Special Citation to Founder/Artistic Director Justina Walford, and Executive Director Vanessa Cook on behalf of the City of Dallas.
It was an exciting night to launch an important festival for women and all independent filmmakers in Texas and the Southwest.
The WTxFF posters lined up to greet and tempt this year’s film fans. (Photo by Sandra Kent)
The Dallas Comedy House and Dallas Comed y festival twosome of Maggie Rieth Austin and Amanda Austin came out to support the funny films at WTxFF. (Photo by John Strange)
Dallas Comedy House’s Maggie Rieth Austin and Amanda Austin (Photo by Steve Duffy)
Maggie Rieth Austin and Amanda Austin (Photo by Sandra Kent)
Julie Hoyt Fisk gave a rave review of the Opening Night film, so she came out for an encore viewing. (Photo by John Strange)
Julie Hoyt Fisk (Photo by Steve Duffy)
Susana Gibb, director of the VR project, HOMELESSNESS 360 (Photo by John Strange)
Susana Gibb (Photo by Steve Duffy)
Julie Hoyt Fisk being interviewed (Photo by Arthur Lefebvre)
Amanda Austin (Photo by Sandra Kent)
Morgana Shaw took a night off from rehearsals for her critically acclaimed play, All About Bette, to support WTxFF (Photo by John Strange)
Morgana Shaw (Photo by Steve Duffy)
Susana Gibb being interviewed (Photo by Arthur Lefebvre)
Maggie Rieth Austin, Amanda Austin, and Morgana Shaw, all being interviewed on a full red carpet. (Photo by Arthur Lefebvre)
The director of last year’s Closing Night selection, MIZ MARKLEY & ME, Sharie Vance comes back to visit her WTxFF family on Opening Night. (Photo by John Strange)
Share Vance (Photo by Steve Duffy)
Director Rudy Cervantes made it two years in a row, with his film, THAT’S MY BOY. (Photo by John Strange)
The THAT’S MY BOY team: Alfred Ramirez (CAST). Paloma Hernandez (Grip), Rudy Cervantes (DIR/PROD), Nicole Pence (DP/PROD) (Photo by John Strange)
That’s my poster! (THAT’S MY BOY) (Photo by John Strange)
Sharie Vance being interviewed. (Photo by Arthur Lefebvre)
The THAT’S MY BOY team (Rudy Cervantes, Alfred Ramirez, Nicole Pence) being interviewed (Photo by Arthur Lefebvre)
Rudy Cervantes and Nicole Pence make quite a team behind the camera. (Photo by Arthur Lefebvre)
New Hope’s mayor Jess Herbst chats with the photographers. (Photo by Jennifer McCann)
Jess Hebst, the mayor of New Hope, Texas. (Photo by Steve Duffy)
Jess Herbst (Photo by Steve Duffy)
Dani Pellett in the middle of the red carpet action. (Photo by Jennifer McCann)
Dani Pellett took time off from campaigning for a Congressional seat to be at WTxFF on Opening Night. (Photo by John Strange)
Dani Pellett (Photo by Steve Duffy)
Alfred Ramirez and Paloma Hernandez (THAT’S MY BOY) being interviewed (Photo by Arthur Lefebrve)
The Bozeman Film Festival’s Beth Ann Kennedy, with her granddaughter, Kaila (Photo by Steve Duffy)
Kaila Kennedy (Photo by Sandra Kent)
Jennifer Ford, director of ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO (Photo by John Strange)
The star of ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO, Thomas Gibson (Photo by John Strange)
The ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO duo, Thomas Gibson and Jennifer Ford (Photo by Steve Duffy)
Katy Johnston, Thomas Gibson, Normita Joven, Jennifer Ford (Photo by Steve Duffy)
Studio Movie Grill CEO, Brian Schultz (Photo by John Strange)
Studio Movie Grill’s Brian Schultz (Photo by Steve Duffy)
Sophia Woodward, one of the stars of LILITH’S AWAKENING. (Photo by John Strange)
Sophia Woodward poses with the poster for her film LILITH’S AWAKENING. This is easily the largest film poster WTxFF has had yet. (Photo by John Strange)
ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO’s Thomas Gibson being interviewed. (Photo by Sandra Kent)
Jennifer Ford talks about her film ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO. (Photo by Arthur Lefebvre)
One of Dallas’s hardest working director/ producers, Jonathan Brownlee, found time in his schedule to support WTxFF on Opening Night. (Photo by John Strange)
LILITH’S AWAKENINGS’s Sophia Woodward being interviewed. (Photo by Arthur Lefebvre)
Sophia Woodward (Photo by Sandra Kent)
Jonathan Brownlee being interviewed. (Photo by Arthur Lefebvre)
Jonathan Brownlee (Photo by Sandra Kent)
IT’S CRIMINAL: A TALE OF TWO AMERICAS’s director, Signe Taylor (Photo by Steve Duffy)
Signe Taylor with her daughter Lyla Stettenheim (Photo by John Strange)
The belle of the ball: Savannah Bloch, the director of Opening Night selection, AND THEN THERE WAS EVE (Photo by John Strange)
Savannah Bloch (Photo by Steve Duffy)
AND THEN THERE WAS EVE’s creative twosome: writer/producer Colette Freedman and director Savannah Bloch (Photo by Steve Duffy)
Ye poster for AND THEN THERE WAS EVE gets a thumbs up from Colette Freedman and Savannah Bloch (Photo by John Strange)
IT’S CRIMINAL’s Signe Taylor and her daughter, Lyla Stettenheim being interviewed. (Photo by Arthur Lefebvre)
Signe Taylor (Photo by Sandra Kent)
WTxFF’s leaders: Founder/Artistic Director Justina Walford and Executive Director Vanessa Cook (Photo by John Strange)
WTxFF’s Founder/Artistic Director Justina Walford and Executive Director Vanessa Cook (Photo by Sandra Kent)
Dallas City Councilman of the 6th District with the Official Proclamation to be presented to WTxFF’S Vanessa Cook (giving the sweet “Price Is Right” hand display) and Justina Walford (Photo by John Strange)
WTxFF’s Vanessa Cook and Justina Walford with Councilman Omar Narvaez (Photo by Steve Duffy)
AND THEN THERE WAS EVE’s Colette Freedman being interviewed. (Photo by Sandra Kent)
Colette Freedman and Savannah Bloch being interviewed. (Photo by Arthur Lefebvre)
City Councilman Omar Narvaez being interviewed. (Photo by Arthur Lefebvre)
Posing for the camera: WTxFF’s Lisa Normand, Vanessa Cook, Justina Walford, and Audrey Palmer (Photo by John Strange)
Women Texas Film Festival’s Board Members Lisa Normand and Audrey Palmer flank Vanessa Cook and Justina Walford. (Photo by Steve Duffy)
Because at an event like this, the Wonder Woman bracelets pose is mandatory (unless you are a Member of the Board): Lisa Normand, Vanessa Cook, Justina Walford, Audrey Palmer (Photo by John Strange)
Colette Freedman and Savannah Bloch (Photo by Sandra Kent)
Savannah Bloch (Photo by Sandra Kent)
WTxFF’s Justina Walford and Vanessa Cook flank the evening’s rock stars: AND THEN THERE WAS EVE’s Colette Freedman and Savannah Bloch. (Photo by John Strange)
Savannah Bloch’s AND THEN THERE WAS EVE Opens The Women Texas Film Festival’s Opening Night Red Carpet at Studio Movie Grill had filmmakers, a City Councilman, and the first Trans mayor – all there to celebrate the 2nd year of WTxFF
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