John Stimpson’s GHOST LIGHT opened the 2019 Oxford Film Festival began with a Community Night screening of locally made films and then a special concert by documentary subjects Negro Terror to kick things off on Wednesday, February 6.
The next night, John Stimpson’s GHOST LIGHT officially opened the fest with a screening (and special presentation of the Lisa Blount Memorial Acting Award to Roger Bart, one of the film’s stars) at the wonderful Gertrude Ford Performing Arts Center. Opening Night.
A lot of filmmakers descended upon the Oxford Film Festival this year (Just wait until you see the photo gallery for the Filmmaker Awards…). It’s almost as if word has gotten out that this fest doesn’t just kick off the year’s regional film festival tour – it’s a can’t miss experience, if you’re fortunate enough to have your film programmed there.
Jury members Victoria Negri and Donna Kozloskie (Photo by Joey Brent)
Director Mary Stanton Knight, and producer Geoff Knight (DEAR HUBERT CREEKMORE) (Photo by Joey Brent)
CHECKED IN director Conner King (Photo by Joey Brent)
CHECKED IN’s Conner King being interviewed (Photo by Joey Brent)
Directing triple threat Jonathan Smith (REMEMBERING ELWOOD HIGGINBOTTOM, TAMING THE TARAQUE, and GHOST TRAIN) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Directors Ava Lowery (BRIGHT AT NIGHT: NORTH MISSISSIPPI’S FOXFIRE RANCH) and Nicole Dubois (VISHWESH BHATT: THE SOUTH I LOVE) getting their photo taken (Photo by Joey Brent)
Female filmmakers teaming up on the red carpet: Ava Lowery (BRIGHT AT NIGHT: NORTH MISSISSIPPI’S FOXFIRE RANCH) and Nicole Dubois (VISHWESH BHATT: THE SOUTH I LOVE) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Rico Fields, Ra’id Omar, Omar Higgins (NEGRO TERROR) with the poster shot (Photo by Joey Brent)
Rico Fields, Ra’id Omar, Omar Higgins, and director Josh Rash (NEGRO TERROR) being interviewed (Photo by Joey Brent)
And then on Opening Night…..
Director and Composer Don Smith (MOSS POINT) (Photo by Joey Brent)
MOSS POINT’s Don Smith (Director, Composer) and Forrest Smith (PA) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Sharde Thomas (SHARDE THOMAS: LEGACY OF THE FIFE) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Director with his film’s subject: Sharde Thomas, Jeff Dennis (SHARDE THOMAS: LEGACY OF THE FIFE) (Photo by Joey Brent)
She’s on the poster! Sharde Thomas, Jeff Dennis (SHARDE THOMAS: LEGACY OF THE FIFE) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Pointing the way for the SHARDE THOMAS: LEGACY OF THE FIFE team (Photo by Chris Gardner)
Michael Wooten, Terrence Bowden, Sharde Thomas, Jeff Dennis (DIR), Demarcus Bowden, John Scott (EXEC PROD), Brad Roberts (EXEC PROD) (Sharde Thomas: LEGACY OF THE FIFE) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Sharde Thomas (SHARDE THOMAS: LEGACY OF THE FIFE) does her thing (Photo by Joey Brent)
Jordan Noel, Director of THIS WORLD ALONE (Photo by Joey Brent)
Trisha Solyn (DP), Jordan Noel (DIR), Sonya A May ASST ED), Hudson Phillips (SCR) (THIS WORLD ALONE) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Not so alone with their film’s poster: Trisha Solyn, Jordan Noel, Sonya A May, and Hudson Phillips (THIS WORLD ALONE) (Photo by Joey Brent)
THIS WORLD ALONE’s Assistant Editor Sonya A May rocks a baby blue pantsuit (Photo by Joey Brent)
Jenna Cirelli (WILLOW CREEK ROAD) being photographed (Photo by Joey Brent)
Jenna Cirelli, Co-screenwriter, producer, and star of WILLOW CREEK ROAD, continues her busy film fest tour (Photo by Joey Brent)
Daniel Lee Perea, Director of the music video “When it Rains” (Photo by Joey Brent)
Jenna Cirelli being interviewed, Daniel Lee Perea being photographed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
Jordan Noel (THIS WORLD ALONE) being interviewed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
James Matthews, Director of HOLT COLLIER (Photo by Joey Brent)
The couple that makes movies together… James Matthews (DIR) and Heather Matthews (PROD) (HOLT COLLIER) (Photo by Joey Brent)
James and Heather Matthews (HOLT COLLIER) get their poster shot (Photo by Joey Brent)
Daniel Lee Perea (When it Rains) being interviewed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
Greg Hamilton, Director of THOU SHALT NOT TAILGATE (Photo by Joey Brent)
Serious men: THOU SHALT NOT TAILGATE’s director Greg Hamilton and the film’s subject, Chuck Linville (Photo by Joey Brent)
Greg Hamilton, Chuck Linville (THOU SHALT NOT TAILGATE) being interviewed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
Jaanelle Yee, director and writer of SELL YOUR BODY (Photo by Joey Brent)
The prolific director Alex Thiel (CELLAR BELOW, THE PRICE WAS RIGHT, RIGHT NOW) (Photo by Joey Brent)
You get three films accepted into a fest, maybe a second red carpet shot is warranted: Alex Thiel (Photo by Joey Brent)
John e. Kilberg, Director of HOME ALONE, BABY BLUE (Photo by Joey Brent)
HOME ALONE, BABY BLUE’s John e. Kilberg (DIR) and Tarra Livengood (PA) (Photo by Joey Brent)
John e. Kilberg, Tarra Livengood (HOME ALONE, BABY BLUE) being interviewed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
Jaanelle Yee (SELL YOUR BODY) being interviewed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
Producer James Martin (SHOTO, ZUMARI) (Photo by Joey Brent)
She wrote, starred in it, and made sure it got made: Desiree Matthews (SCR/CAST/EXEC PROD) (THE GREAT UNKNOWN) (Photo by Joey Brent)
THE GREAT UNKNOWN’s Desiree Matthews (SCR/CAST/EXEC PROD) and Joseph J. Parks (PROD MGR) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Alex Thiel (CELLAR BELOW, THE PRICE WAS RIGHT, RIGHT NOW) being interviewed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
Crutches are all the rage on the red carpet: FUNERAL’s Director and producer Leah Shore (FUNERAL) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Leah Shore, Aaron Hillis (FUNERAL) being photographed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
We All Die: FUNERAL’s Leah Shore (DIR/PROD) and Aaron Hillis (CAST) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Desiree Matthews (THE GREAT UNKNOWN) being interviewed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
Director James Puckett (DELTA CROSSINGS) (Photo by Joey Brent)
James Puckett (DIR), Morgan Cutturini (PROD) (DELTA CROSSINGS) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Director Shayna Connelly of FUCKED UP POINT BLANK (Photo by Joey Brent)
Shayna Connelly (FUCKED UP POINT BLANK’s director) shows off her poster (Photo by Joey Brent)
James Puckett, Morgan Cutturini (DELTA CROSSINGS) being interviewed (Photo by Joey Brent)
Leah Shore, Aaron Hillis (FUNERAL) being interviewed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
Victoria Negri scores with the black leather jacket floral skirt combo (Photo by Joey Brent)
Directors Matteo and Elisabetta Zengaro (COACH WADE) (Photo by Joey Brent)
COACH WADE’s co-directors Matteo and Elisabetta Zengaro (COACH WADE) with the film’s poster (Photo by Joey Brent)
Wally Chung (FUN MORE) being photographed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
FUN MORE’s director Wally Chung (Photo by Joey Brent)
Jon Bryant Crawford, Director of ASTRONAUTS WITH WHEAT (Photo by Joey Brent)
Dipping his toes in the movie pool a couple of times: Russell Shaeffer (I TASTE BLOOD – Co-DIR, JULES OF LIGHT AND DARK – PROD) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Jon Bryant Crawford (ASTRONAUTS WITH WHEAT) being interviewed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
Wally Chung and James Martin being interviewed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
Another busy Oxford Film Festival red carpet (Photo by Chris Gardner)
Do-it-all Girl: Rachel Sweeney, Director, writer, producer, and star of DEAD GIRL (Photo by Joey Brent)
DEAD GIRL’s Rachel Sweeney with a cool blouse and overalls look (Photo by Joey Brent)
Rachel Sweeney (DIR/SCR/PROD/CAST), Chris Wright (ASSOC PROD) (DEAD GIRL) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Russell Schaeffer (JULES OF LIGHT AND DARK) being interviewed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
We’re convinced she was her own Grip too: Director, producer, DP, and editor Mary Stanton Knight (DEAR HUBERT CREEKMORE) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Kevin O’Brien, Director and writer of AT THE END OF THE DAY (Photo by Joey Brent)
THRASHER ROAD cast member Allison Fay Brown (Photo by Joey Brent)
Kevin O’Brien (AT THE END OF THE DAY) being interviewed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
Director Panagiotis Kountouras (IVAN) (Photo by Joey Brent)
The scarves have it: IVAN’s Panagiotis Kountouras (DIR), Christos Kokarakis (AD) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Allison Fay Brown (THRASHER ROAD) beng interviewed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
IVAN’s Panagiotis Koutouras and Christos Kokarakis being interviewed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
Chris Wright and Rachel Sweeney (DEAD GIRL) being interviewed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
HIDING IN DAYLIGHT’s Director and screenwriter Cheryl Allison (Photo by Joey Brent)
Displaying her film’s poster in plain sight: Cheryl Allison (HIDING IN DAYLIGHT) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Welcoming the evening’s honoree (Roger Bart) to the red carpet (Photo by Chris Gardner)
Roger Bart (GHOST LIGHT) being photographed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
The man of the night: Roger Bart (GHOST LIGHT) (Photo by Joey Brent)
John Stimpson (GHOST LIGHT) being photographed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
GHOST LIGHT director John Stimpson (Photo by Joey Brent)
Geoffrey Taylor, John Stimpson, and Roger Bart (GHOST LIGHT) being photographed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
The GHOST LIGHT Trio: Geoffrey Taylor (PROD), John Stimpson (DIR), and Roger Bart (Photo by Joey Brent)
Pointing the way to a good poster shot: Geoffrey Taylor, John Stimpson, Roger Bart (GHOST LIGHT) (Photo by Chris Gardner)
Geoffrey Taylor, John Stimpson, Roger Bart with the poster for the Opening Night Gala selection GHOST LIGHT (Photo by Joey Brent)
John Stimpson (GHOST LIGHT) being interviewed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
Roger Bart (GHOST LIGHT) being interviewed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
Geoffrey Taylor (GHOST LIGHT) being interviewed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
Mississippi acting royalty: Johnny and Susan McPhail (Photo by Joey Brent)
A talented trio: Johnny and Susan McPhail with Elise Fyke (Photo by Joey Brent)
Melissa Pace Overholt (ATTACHE) being photographed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
ATTACHE’s director/producer Melissa Pace Overholt (Photo by Joey Brent)
Director/producer Melissa Pace Overholt (ATTACHE) with the film’s poster (Photo by Joey Brent)
REMISSION’s co-directors John Charter and Paul Kaiser (Photo by Joey Brent)
Melissa Pace Overholt (ATTACHE) being interviewed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
DRIVEN Assistant Camerawoman Katrina Kinder (Photo by Joey Brent)
Katrina Kinder (DRIVEN) being photographed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
Literally wearing her rose colored glasses: Katrina Kinder, DRIVEN’s AC (Photo by Joey Brent)
Irene Waites, the director, writer, producer, and cast member of LIFE IS (Photo by Joey Brent)
Jay Norris, Irene Waites, and Emily Corley (LIFE IS) being photographed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
The LIFE IS team: Jay Norris (PROD/CAST), Irene Waites (DIR/SCR/PROD/CAST), Emily Corley (CAST) (Photo by Joey Brent)
She walked in the rain in camouflage so she could close out the red carpet: SNOW CHILD director Diana Cignoni (Photo by Joey Brent)
Jay Norris, Irene Waites, and Emily Corley (LIFE IS) being interviewed (Photo by Chris Gardner)
John Stimpson’s GHOST LIGHT Opened 2019 Oxford Film Festival: Community Nigh,t NEGRO TERROR, Roger Bart
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