Interview with the STARRING JERRY AS HIMSELF team at Slamdance 2023

STARRING JERRY AS HIMSELF (DIR/Co-SCR/ED/PROD/DP Lawrence Chen, Subject/Co-SCR Jerry Hsu, Subject/PROD Jonathan Hsu)

The Slamdance description: A family documents how their immigrant father Jerry, a recently divorced and retired Florida man, was recruited by the Chinese police to be an undercover agent.

My personal thoughts on STARRING JERRY AS HIMSELF: This is a very entertaining (and at times harrowing to watch) film about a man going through an extraordinary experience thinking he could be extradited because he is at the center of a major bank fraud investigation. It is a nightmare that anyone with elderly parents has somewhere in the back of their minds. However, Jerry has one very special thing in his favor: He has a genuine zen regarding where his place is in the world at this time in his life. So, as we watch this creative approach to his story including a reenactment of this adventure with each member of Jerry’s family participating, ultimately we are buoyed by that knowledge.

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