Kat Albert’s Lake Travis Film Festival rolls out the red carpert for 2021 Filmmakers: Lisa Belcher, Hellin Kay, Chantelle James, Olivia Nash, Joel Mendez-Zarate, Lincoln Edwards, and more!
Kat Albert’s Lake Travis Film Festival rolls out the red carpert for 2021 Filmmakers: Lisa Belcher, Hellin Kay, Chantelle James, Olivia Nash, Joel Mendez-Zarate, Lincoln Edwards, and more!
Kat Albert’s Lake Travis Film Festival has A LOT of ambitions.
And founded and directed by a woman who is a filmmaker herself, those ambitions have an eye toward what filmmakers want and hope for in a film festival. And one of those things is getting attention for themselves and their films.
Therefore, in its second year, LTFF literally rolled out the red carpet. In fact, while Lake Travis is adjacent to Austin, this was the first red carpet that city has seen since the pandemic had shut things down as far as in-person tests were concerned last year.
And Austin has got a couple other film festivals that people pay attention to from what we hear.
But it was the Lake Travis Film Festival that led the way in 2021. And as you will see, MANY filmmakers answered the call, and found their way to the beautiful Austin neighbor to get their red carpet on…
Explaining the rules and regulations of the red carpet and how it pertains to a sparkly suit from Macy’s (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
Lincoln Edwards, director, co-screenwriter, producer, cast member, editor, (and he likely did craft services too) of 01 ESCALADE (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
The family that makes films together: 01 ESCALADE’s Lee Ann Edwards (EXEC PROD), Lincoln Edwards (DIR/Co-SCR/PROD/ED/CAST), Cody Dixon (CAST), Daron Edwards (EXEC PROD) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
It’s not an official red carpet until I point at someone.. (Photo by Dev Shapiro)
Joel Mendez-Zarate, director of HUNDRED FLOWERS PROJECT (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
The HUNDRED FLOWERS PROJECT dynamic duo: Joel Mendez-Zarate (DIR) and Oscar Perez Chairez (PROD) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
Faley Goyette (Co-SCR, “Avoiding Adulthood) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
“Avoiding Adulthood” co-screenwriter Faley Goyette showing what’s going on with her inside voice. (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
Avoiding Adulthood writer Faley Goyette and ESCALADE 01’s Lincoln Edwads and Cody Dixon being interviewed. (Photo by Dev Shapiro)
THE REUNION’s Matt Julian (Grip), Kenneth Bradley (CAST), and Alexander Julian (SCR/PROD) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
THE REUNION’s Kenneth Bradley (CAST) demonstrates his appreciation for the written word with Alexander Julian (SCR/PROD). Or is it his appreciation for the paycheck…? (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
Olivia Nash (HI.) works it on the carpet. (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
Say hello to the photographer: The HI. team being photographed. (Photo by Dev Shapiro)
Say hello to the team from HI.: Daniel Grisak (DP), Lindsey Graham (PROD/Production Designer), Olivia Nash (DIR/SCR/PROD/CAST), and Jake Stockstill (PROD/AD) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
Interviews on the red carpet: Olivia Nash (HI.) and the HUNDRED FLOWERS PROJECT guys (Joel Mendez-Zarate and Oscar Perez Chairez. (Photo by Wildman)
Olivia Nash (HI.) (Photo by Dev Shapiro)
Joel Mendez-Zarate and Oscar Perez Chairez (HUNDRED FLOWERS PROJECT) being interviewed. (Photo by Dev Shapiro)
LIMINAL SPACES’ director Michael Wiggin being photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
Sherry and Tracy Minish. He is the subject of TRACY’S VISION (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
Sherry and Tracy Minish (TRACEY’S VISION) being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
Hellin Kay, director of ABBY AND EMILY GO TO PALM SPRINGS being photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
Hellin Kay (ABBY AND EMILY GO TO PALM SPRINGS) being interviewed. (Photo by Dev Shapiro)
JAVELINA RUN’s director Lisa Belcher being photographed. (Photo by Wlldman)
JAVELINA RUN’s director, producer and star Lisa Belcher (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
The JAVELINA RUN team: Skeeta Jenkins (CAST), Lisa Belcher (DIR/PROD/CAST). Christian Olteanu (PROD), Joe Kelly (PA) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
On one set you’re a PA, and the next one you’re the director.. SASSY’s Joe Kelly (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
The SASSY team: Lisa Belcher (CAST), Joe Kelly (DIR), Christian Olteanu (PROD) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
Robert Hope, director of FACE TO FACE (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
FACE TO FACE to camera: Robert Hope and Jaime Wilken being photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
The FACE TO FACE duo: Robert Hope (DIR), Jaime Wilken (PROD/Sound) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
Holt Boggs (CRAZY) being photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
CRAZY’s Holt Boggs (DIR/SCR/CAST) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
Chantelle James, writer, producer, and star of ORDINARY. (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
ORDINARY’s Chantelle James being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
Chantelle James (ORDINARY) has more to say. (Photo by Dev Shapiro)
Sandra Urquhart, director of REMNANT (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
JAVELINA RUN’s Lisa Belcher being interviewed while the REMNANT team get their photo taken. (Photo by Dev Shapiro)
REMNANT’s Sandra Urquhart and Elizabeth Ellis being photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
REMNANT’s Sandra Urquhart (DIR) and Elizabeth Ellis (Subject) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
The REMNANT team being interviewed. (Photo by Dev Shapiro)
SAC DE MERDE’s Andrew Kallimani (CAST) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
“Raggedy Ann Heart” writer Heather McPhaul (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
Shane Coffey, director and co-screenwriter of MCCROREY RD. (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
MCCOREY RD’s Co-screenwriter and star, Gloria Cole (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
The creative tandem behind MCCROREY RD: Shane Coffey (DIR/Co-SCR) and Gloria Cole (CAST/Co-SCR) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
Team MCCROREY RD: Tony Martinez (CAST), Shane Coffey (DIR/Co-SCR), Gloria Cole (Co-SCR/CAST), Raymond Martinez (CAST) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
The REMNANT and MCCROREY RD. teams being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
LTFF’s Kat Albert and John Wildman survey the action on the red carpet. (Photo by Dev Shapiro)
Lake Travis Film Festival’s Founder and Director Kat Albert gets her photo taken. (Photo by Wildman)
Writer JV Hart is cool. (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
Writer and director of EXPRESSION, Paper Sharpe (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
The EXPRESSION guys being photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
The EXPRESSION team: Will Dickinson (Composer), Harper Sharpe (DIR/SCR), Chap Carr (DP), Thomas Marty (Sound Engineer) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
The EXPRESSION team being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
Steve Abruzzese and Jennifer Suwak (FRANK PARESE: A JERSEY SHORE) being photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
Co-directors of FRANK PARESE: A JERSEY SHORE, Steve Abruzzese and Jennifer Suwak (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
LOVE IS NOT LOVE detractor, writer and star, Stephen Keep Mills (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
The two Steves of LOVE IS NOT LOVE: Stephen Keep Mills (DIRT/SCR/CAST) and Steven Fadelin (DP) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
Stephen Keep Mills (LOVE IS NOT LOVE) being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
Writer, director of CAPROCK, James Site (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
CAPROCK’s Jessica Hibbitt (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
The CAPROCK team: James Fiote (DIR/SCR) and Jessica Hibbitt (CAST) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
James Fite (CAPROCK) being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
The MCCROREY RD. and CAPROCK teams being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
TIRE KICKERS director Olivia Carter (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
Olivia Carter (TIRE KICKERS) being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
Kate Saltel (CHUPACABRA UNCOVERED) being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
Paulina Manseau, the writer, director of MORS BONUM (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
MORS BONUM’s Paulina Manseau (DIR/SCR), Adam Duncan (CAST) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
The LOVE IS NOT LOVE and MORS BONUM teams being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
HOUSE SLAUGHTER director Thomas Peck advertising his film. (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
The HOUSE SLAUGHTER team being photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
The HOUSE SLAUGHTER army: Jeff Gorman (CAST), Calvin Cjhunjnuwala (CAST), Thomas Peck (DIR), Colin Rood (CAST), Daniel Aaronson (Associate Producer), Barrett Barnes (VP of Sales/Distribution), Dyla Tender (EXEC PROD) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
HOUSE SLAUGHTER’s Thomas Peck being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
The HOUSE SLAUGHTER crew pushes their VP of Sales/Distribution, Barrett Barnes to be spokesman for the film on the red carpet. (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
HOUSE SLAUGHTER’s Barrett Barnes tries to make the sale on the red carpet. (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
BRAUHAUS: A GERMAN-AMERICAN FAIRYTALE director Matt Richmond being photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
Matt Richmond, director of BRAUHAUS: A GERMAN-AMERICAN FAIRYTALE (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
Matt Richmond (BRAUHAUS: A GERMAN-AMERICAN FAIRYTALE) being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
Wendy Pennington (F NEWS) being photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
F NEWS’ Wendy Pennington (DIR/SCR/PROD/CAST) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
The F NEWS duo: Wendy Pennington ((DIR/SCR/PROD/CAST) and David Smith (Sound) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
DISCOUNT PICKLES’ Seth Meeks (DIR/SCR) and Marcos Morales (PROD/ED) (Photo by Leo Sopicki)
F NEWS’ Wendy Pennington and DISCOUNT PICKLES’ Seth Meeks both have something to say. (Photo by Wildman)
The F NEWS and DISCOUNT PICKLES teams being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
Kat Albert’s Lake Travis Film Festival rolls out the red carpert for 2021 Filmmakers: Lisa Belcher, Hellin Kay, Chantelle James, Olivia Nash, Joel Mendez-Zarate, Lincoln Edwards, and more!
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