Naples International Film Festival announces Call for Entries for 2023
Artis—Naples announces that the call for entries has begun for the 2023 Naples International Film Festival (NIFF), which is scheduled to take place October 26-29 at Artis—Naples and Silverspot Cinema in Naples.
Films may be submitted in five categories: Narrative Features, Documentary Features, Short Films, Student Films (K-12) and Student Films (College/University). Cash prizes will be awarded in 12 categories. The deadline for early bird submissions is May 12, the regular deadline is June 16 and the final deadline is July 7.
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At the 2023 festival, NIFF will once again bring together the spark and spirit of independent filmmaking with the artistic lineage and resources of the acclaimed multidisciplinary arts organization Artis—Naples. In addition to a weekend full of films screened at the luxurious Silverspot Cinema in Naples, the festival will also feature select films to be screened on a 24-foot outdoor screen in beautiful Norris Garden on Artis—Naples’ Kimberly K. Querrey and Louis A. Simpson Cultural Campus.
The closing night of the festival features a screening of E.T. with the Naples Philharmonic performing John Williams’ iconic score live, conducted by Principal Pops Conductor Jack Everly.
“We’re so excited for the upcoming 15th anniversary of NIFF, and we cannot wait to once again bring to our community an opportunity to gather with visiting independent filmmakers to enjoy and discuss their various works this year,” said Festival Producer Shannon Franklin. “As part of Artis–Naples, NIFF has continued to grow and reach an ever-expanding group of film lovers and filmmakers. One distinct character trait of NIFF that we’re so proud of is the convivial and creative atmosphere we’re able to create, which leads to long-lasting professional and personal relationships among the filmmakers and with members of our community.”
“I’m particularly proud of the way the Naples International Film Festival has become an integral part of the artistic programs Artis—Naples brings to this community,” said David Filner, Artis—Naples executive vice president of artistic operations. “Being able to include screenings of high-quality independent films here not only rounds out our offerings across the performing and visual arts, but also brings a wonderful community of filmmakers, as well as audiences, to Artis—Naples to celebrate this work. We look forward to seeing this year’s entries!”

THE PEZ OUTLAW (Best Documentary Feature),
SHUDDERBUGS (Indie Spirit Award, Rising Star Award)
The 2022 edition of NIFF opened with a red-carpet celebration of Butterfly in the Sky, which included appearances by Naples’ own Cecily and Larry Lancit, co-creators and producers of Reading Rainbow, as well as the show’s co-creator Twila Liggett. In-person screenings and filmmaker panels followed, including 2022 NIFF award-winning and audience-favorite films making a splash both at other film festivals across the country (The Big Bend, Disfluency, and Shudderbugs), or are currently in release (Acidman, I Mordecai, MVP, and The Pez Outlaw). NIFF wrapped things up in entertaining and multidisciplinary style following the filmmaker awards with a special presentation of Jurassic Park in Concert featuring a live performance of John Williams’ classic score from Steven Spielberg’s iconic film by the Naples Philharmonic, conducted by Principal Pops Conductor Jack Everly.
Visit artisnaples.org/naples-international-film-festival/call-for-entries/2023 for more information on NIFF 2023 and instructions for submitting your film via FilmFreeway.
Generously supported by the Collier County Tourist Development Council.

(Path of the Panther), and Johanna Putnam, Brennan Brooks, and Jamie Unruh (Shuderbugs).
(Photo by Wildman)
NIFF 2023 Categories/Requirements
Narrative Features: Any original work of fiction 41 minutes or longer completed any time after January 1, 2022. Narrative feature films may be foreign or domestic.
Documentary Features: Any nonfiction feature length film 41 minutes or longer completed any time after January 1, 2022. Documentary feature films may be foreign or domestic.
Short Films: Any Narrative or Documentary film 40 minutes or less completed any time after January 1, 2022. Films may be foreign or domestic. NIFF programs short films in themed packages. We may also screen a short film before a Narrative or Documentary feature.
Student Filmmaker Showcase, K-12 Division: Student filmmakers in the United States,
currently enrolled in grades K-12 (as of March 20, 2023), are invited to submit a short film with
a running time of 10 minutes or less (including credits) completed any time after January 1,
2022. Films of all genres are accepted (documentary, narrative and animation). Films submitted in the Student Filmmaker Showcase category must be works written, directed and shot by students. Adult participation is limited to an advisory capacity.
Student Filmmaker Showcase, College/University Division: College and university
students currently studying in undergraduate or graduate degree programs in the United States (as of the time the film was completed) are invited to submit narrative, documentary or animated films with a running time of 40 minutes or less (including credits) completed any time after January 1, 2022. Films of all genres are accepted (documentary, narrative and animation). Films submitted in the Student Filmmaker Showcase category must be works written, directed and shot by students. Adult participation is limited to an advisory capacity.
Jury Award for Best Narrative Feature – $2,500
Jury Award for Best Documentary Feature – $2,500
Focus on the Arts Award – $1,500
Audience Award for Best Narrative Feature – $1,000
Audience Award for Best Documentary Feature – $1,000
Audience Award for Best Short Film – $500
Best Florida Film Award (Narrative, Documentary or Short) – $500
Indie Spirit Award – $250
Rising Star Award – $250
Best First Feature Award – $250
Programmers’ Choice Award – $250
Impact Award – $250
• Early Bird: May 12, 2023
• Regular: June 16, 2023
• Late: July 7, 2023