Alice Gu’s THE DONUT KING Opens Naples International Film Festival: October 22-25, 2020 virtual and in-person events among BANKSY MOST WANTED
Artis—Naples announced today the complete program lineup for the 12th Annual Naples International Film Festival (NIFF) to be held October 22-25, 2020 featuring both virtual and in-person events.
NIFF’s gala selections will feature documentaries, opening with Alice Gu’s award-winning documentary THE DONUT KING, and closing with Aurélia Rouvier and Seamus Haley’s festival favorite BANKSY MOST WANTED.
Both screenings will be outdoors on a large screen in the Norris Garden on the Artis─Naples Kimberly K. Querrery and Louis A. Simpson Cultural Campus.

In addition to the opening and closing nights, two other in-person screenings will take place in Norris Garden: a NIFF Shorts Showcase of exciting selections from this year’s shorts programs will screen on Friday, October 23 and Casimir Nozkowski’s romantic dramedy THE OUTSIDE STORY, starring Star Trek: Discovery’s Sonequa Martin-Green screens on Saturday, October 24, both at 7:30PM.
The virtual festival will include 66 films (13 narrative features, 12 documentary features, 41 short films) from 16 countries. All films will be available to be screened over four days through an online video-on-demand portal, which will make all of this year’s films available to film fans throughout the state of Florida, and some films available worldwide. To enhance the film festival experience, patrons will be able to see select filmmakers participate in virtual TalkBack Q&A sessions to discuss their films, including live streamed events where audience members will be able to ask questions of the filmmakers.
Artis─Naples CEO and President Kathleen van Bergen said, “We are proud to be able to bring these wonderful films to our cinema-loving community here in Naples and South Florida as well as introduce those throughout the rest of the state and even the world to our NIFF world. This diverse lineup of films will provide entertainment and inspiration for our community. The Naples International Film Festival is an important part of our cultural offerings each season and we are thrilled to be able to share these films.”
“Our commitment has always been to bring films, filmmakers, and audiences together, and this year is no different except that, like so many other festivals, we are going virtual,” said Shannon Franklin, Festival Producer. “While we will, of course, miss the buzz of gathering together in a theater as the lights go down, we are excited to be able to offer our audience virtual access to a slate of films that will touch, move, and inspire. With a handful of films set to screen in the Norris Garden and a schedule of virtual screenings complete with filmmaker Q&As, we believe our audience will enjoy this year’s festival as much as any year.”
The Opening Night selection, Alice Gu’s THE DONUT KING, has won a Special Jury Award at SXSW, and Best Documentary awards at both the Bentonville and Sun Valley film festivals prior to making its way to NIFF. The film focuses on Ted Ngoy’s rags to riches story of a refugee escaping Cambodia, arriving in America in 1975 and building an unlikely multi-million-dollar donut empire. He lived the American Dream, he helped hundreds of immigrants start businesses and new lives in the U.S., and he nearly lost it all. A true American story.
For a film festival that is part of one of the country’s foremost arts organizations, there almost could not be a more appropriate choice to close out this year’s event than Aurélia Rouvier and Seamus Haley’s BANKSY MOST WANTED. The documentary focuses on the art world’s most notorious mysteries: who is Banksy? The street artist has generated a multitude of stories, artworks, stunts, political statements and identities. Thanks to his anonymity people have been able, for more than 25 years, to claim his work, either legally or emotionally, and to fantasize about who is hiding behind this name.
Films in the Naples International Film Festival’s competition categories will be vying for $5,000 in prizes, including the Audience Awards for Best Narrative Feature, Best Documentary Feature and Best Short. For the third year in a row, there will also be juried awards in the Narrative and Documentary Features categories.

The Narrative Features Competition slate includes: Hannah Black and Megan Petersen’s DROUGHT, a drama about a sister helping her autistic brother obsessed with weather, chase a rainstorm he’s sure is due to relieve a difficult drought; David Gutnik’s MATERNA, which won Best Actress and Best Cinematography awards at the Tribeca Film Festival, is a taut psychological portrait of four women whose lives intersect on a New York subway; and Lanie Zipoy’s THE SUBJECT, which just took the top prize at the Harlem International Film Festival, stars AMERICA PIE’s Jason Biggs as a successful white documentary filmmaker whose previous film caught the murder of a Black teen on tape. Now, the tables are turned as someone begins videotaping his every move, threatening his idyllic life.

The three titles making up NIFF’s Documentary Competition include; Brian Morrison’s BASTARD’S ROAD, which focus on combat veteran Jon Hancock, who undertakes an epic 6,000 mile journey across the country – on foot to visit his fellow 2/4 Marines – a unit known as the The Magnificent Bastards; two-time Sundance award-winner Ondi Timoner’s latest film COMING CLEAN looks at the opioid addiction crisis in the country through the eyes of recovering addicts and political leaders, as they come together to bring the profiteers to justice and rebuild lives in the process; and Darby Duffin and Adam Jones FISH & MEN, reveals where an overwhelming amount of the seafood we eat comes from. The film exposes the high cost of cheap fish by revealing how our choices as consumers drives the global seafood trade threatening local fishing communities and public health.

Additional highlights among the narrative selections include: Stephen Kunken and Jack Lewars’ BEFORE/DURING/AFTER, a sharp-witted drama about a middle-aged NYC theatre actress, who is forced to figure out the kind of person she wants to portray in real life after catching her husband cheating on her; Sujata Day’s DEFINITION PLEASE, about a former Spelling Bee champion whose life now doesn’t quite spell out success and is about to get shaken up even further when her brother returns home; Chris Hansen’s festival favorite SEVEN SHORT FILMS ABOUT (OUR) MARRIAGE, a raw and authentic look at the life of a marriage played out in seven episodes as a couple deals with racism, career challenges, medical issues and more; and Bartosz Kruhlik’s SUPERNOVA, a Polish story of three men caught up in a tragic accident and how they each handle the pressure and tests it visits upon them.

Additional documentary highlights include: Olympia Stone’s ACTUALLY, ICONIC: RICHARD ESTES about the “father of photorealism” which invites viewers into Estes’ world with unprecedented access to the artist and his masterpieces; Sami Khan and Michael Gassert’s THE LAST OUT, which follows three young Cuban baseball players who risk everything to train in Central America and chase their dreams of playing in the Major Leagues; and Alex Bayer, Jonathan Mann, and Mary Anne Rothberg’s THE ORATORIO, in which Martin Scorsese reveals the story of a single performance which took place in his childhood church in 1826 that forever changed America’s cultural landscape with the introduction of Italian opera to New York City.
Tickets for all in-person and virtual activities go on sale on October 3 at 10am. Virtual screening tickets are $10 per film and available at niff.eventive.org. Virtual Festival Passes that allow for one viewing of each film in the festival are available for $100. Tickets for the Norris Garden events are sold as tables of four. Opening and closing night tickets are $125 for a table of four and include a light snack and wine. The Friday and Saturday night Norris Garden films are $60 for a table of four. For more information, visit artisnaples.org/niff.
The 2020 Naples International Film Festival (NIFF) official selections:
Director: Alice Gu
Country: US, Running Time: 94 min
Ted Ngoy’s story is one of fate, love, survival, hard knocks, and redemption. It’s the rags to riches story of a refugee escaping Cambodia, arriving in America in 1975 and building an unlikely multimillion-dollar empire baking America’s favorite pastry, the donut. Ted sponsored hundreds of visas for incoming refugees and helped them get on their feet teaching them the ways of the donut business. By 1979 he was living the American Dream. But, in life, great rise can come with great falls.
Directors: Aurélia Rouvier, Seamus Haley
Country: US, Running Time: 90 min
Banksy is a household name, but behind this name hides a multitude of stories, artworks, stunts, political statements and identities, leading to one of the art world’s biggest unanswered questions: who is Banksy? Thanks to his anonymity people have been able, for more than 25 years, to claim his work, either legally or emotionally, and to fantasize about who is hiding behind this name. Through the testimonies of those who know him and have worked with him, but also of those who exploit him, hunt him down, claim him…
Directors: Hannah Black, Megan Petersen
Country: US, Running Time: 84 min
It’s 1993 and North Carolina is experiencing a historic drought. Autistic teen Carl, fascinated by weather, predicts that a storm will soon hit nearby. His sister Sam crafts a plan to help him chase the storm, stealing their mother’s ice cream truck to embark on a road trip about family, forgiveness, and following your dreams.
Director: David Gutnik
Country: US, Running Time: 105 min
Jean, Mona, Ruth and Perizad’s worlds are radically different, separated by race, culture, politics, religion and class. And yet, as their storylines intersect, we come to understand their shared isolation and their shared struggle for identity and connection. With their futures at stake, the characters’ lives are upended by a fateful encounter underground, where their stories of personal transformation become a battle for survival.
Director: Lanie Zipoy
Country: US, Running Time: 119 min
A successful white documentary filmmaker deals with the fallout from his previous film, which caught the murder of a Black teen on tape. Now, while he shoots a new doc series for a major TV network, someone videotapes his every move, threatening his idyllic life.
Director: Brian Morrison
Country: US, Running Time: 98 min
Like many combat veterans, transitioning back to civilian life was very difficult for Jon Hancock. After years of struggling, Jon decided to take an epic journey across the country – on foot. Walking nearly 6,000 miles alone, Jon confronts the demons that had overtaken his life. Visiting his fellow 2/4 Marines – a unit known as the The Magnificent Bastards – and families of their fallen along the way, Jon finds a mission greater than his own redemption.
Director: Ondi Timoner
Country: US, Running Time: 101 min
From award-winning director Ondi Timoner comes COMING CLEAN, a feature documentary examining addiction through the eyes of recovering addicts and political leaders, as they come together to bring the profiteers to justice and rebuild in the wake of the deadliest drug epidemic in our history.
Directors: Darby Duffin, Adam Jones
Country: US, Running Time: 85 min
Today, 91% of the seafood in America is imported as the U.S. is flooded with six billion tons of foreign seafood. Most consumers eat blissfully unaware of where their seafood comes from or even think to ask. Yet, the demand-driven seafood economy is having dire consequences. FISH & MEN exposes the high cost of cheap fish by revealing how our choices as consumers drive the global seafood trade threatening local fishing communities and public health.
Director: Stephen Kunken, Jack Lewars
Country: US, Running Time: 83 min
BEFORE/DURING/AFTER is the story of Jennie Lonergan, a middle-aged NYC theatre actress, who is forced to figure out the kind of person she wants to be when her seemingly perfect 15-year marriage comes to an abrupt end after she catches her husband having an affair. The film is anchored in one day in Jennie’s life when she is auditioning for a career-making role in a play that triggers a flood of her own unprocessed memories about her marriage and the aftermath of her divorce.
Director: Rain Rannu
Country: Estonia, Running Time: 108 min
CHASING UNICORNS is semi-satirical narrative feature about a female founder trying to make it a male-dominated tech world, from Estonia to Silicon Valley. Based on real-life stories of startups, the film follows Õie, a young bookkeeper from a small town, who by accident stumbles into a tech scene of her home-country Estonia — a country where making startups is a “national sport” and where everyone has one. She is joined by a serial failure Tõnu, who has gone bankrupt with each one of his companies, but is nevertheless always trying again. Inspired by Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg, they embark on a journey to take on the tech world.
Director: Gianni de Gregorio
Country: Italy, Running Time: 90 min
Three retirees decide to move away from Rome to find a better standard of living in a country where their meager pensions will go that much further. Planning for the trip sees the trio trawl the pubs and restaurants of a sun-saturated Rome and discover that even at an old age they can still learn one or two lessons about themselves and life.
Director: Sujata Day
Country: US, Running Time: 91 min
DEFINITION PLEASE opens on the 2005 Scribbs National Spelling Bee. Our young lead character, Monica Chowdry, annihilates the competition to win the coveted trophy. We fast forward 15 years later to a sleepy Pennsylvania suburb, where life hasn’t quite panned out for the now twenty-something Monica. She cares for her ailing mother, still lives at home, and has an unusual penchant for “seeing” words to define strangers. When Monica’s brother Sonny returns home to help with family obligations, tensions arise and secrets are revealed.
Director: Jonathan Wysocki
Country: US, Running Time: 91 min
Escondido, California, 1994. It’s the end of summer and Gene is preparing for his high school drama friends’ final murder mystery slumber party. The theatrical hostess, Rose, will fly off to start college the next morning, followed by earnest Claire, magnetic Oscar, and sarcastic Ally. Yet Gene has bigger problems than being left behind by his best friends: he wants to come out of the closet – but is terrified of what his sheltered Christian best friends might think.
Director: Itay Tal
Country: Israel, Running Time: 80 min
Anat has never been able to reach her father’s exacting musical standards, and now her family’s hope of producing a musical prodigy rests on her unborn son. When the baby is born deaf, she cannot accept it and resorts to extreme measures to ensure that her child will be the composer that her father always wanted. But when the boy grows up indifferent to his destiny as a great pianist, Anat will have to stand up to her father – and her own actions.
Director: Sasha Collington
Country: UK, Running Time: 96 min
How can someone love you yesterday and not today? Shortly after her boyfriend sends his 12-year-old brother (Wilbur) to break the news that she’s dumped, Frankie Browne (27) discovers that she has a loser in love gene. Every man she goes out with will inevitably break up with her. And Frankie is not alone. It is estimated by scientists that one in five people have the gene for romantic misfortune. Facing a lifetime of romantic failure, Frankie turns to the only genetics expert she knows: her former nemesis, Wilbur, a schoolboy science prodigy. Wilbur develops a maverick theory to reverse her romantic fortunes, based on his work studying the DNA of hamsters.
Director: Casimir Nozkowski
Country: US, Running Time: 85 min
After many acclaimed supporting roles, Brian Tyree Henry (ATLANTA, IF BEALE STREET COULD TALK, THE ETERNALS) takes on his first big screen lead character as Charles Young, an introverted video editor, trying to recover from a broken heart. Perceiving a betrayal of trust as a sign his girlfriend Isha (Sonequa Martin-Green, Star Trek: Discovery) is leaving him, Charles pre-emptively blows up his relationship and sequesters himself at home. The fates do not comply and Charles accidentally locks himself out of his apartment. Stumbling into a life-changing odyssey exploring his building and opening himself up to his community. In a nearly real-time experience, Charles is forced to re-evaluate his choices when he sees his life in parallel with the people around him.
Director: Chris Hansen
Country: US, Running Time: 99 min
Noah and Madison are artists who want to change the world, and they begin their marriage as most couples do – sure that love will solve all problems. But marriage isn’t all about the great times. It’s also about the arguments over petty stuff and bigger stuff, and the longstanding resentments that no one wants to even bring up. SEVEN SHORT FILMS ABOUT (OUR) MARRIAGE tells a story of raw authenticity in seven episodes spanning fourteen years of marriage as they reckon with racism, career challenges, medical issues, and more.
Director: Bartosz Kruhlik
Country: Poland, Running Time: 78 min
Three men, one place and one event that will change the life of each one of them. A universal tale, kept in realistic style, tells the story of a few hours in the life of a rural community. The film takes a look at the condition of a man in a borderline situation and raises questions about the essence of chance and destiny. A bloody story, oscillating on the edge of drama, thriller and disaster cinema.
Director: Olympia Stone
Country: US, Running Time: 68 min
Richard Estes has been called the “father of photorealism” but has humbly avoided media attention over his long career. ACTUALLY, ICONIC: RICHARD ESTES invites viewers into Estes’ world with unprecedented access to the artist and his masterpieces. Through conversations about his technique and inspirations, and interviews with leading curators and critics this intimate portrait does more than just explore Estes’ pioneering genius; it humanizes it.
Director: Lynn Montgomery
Country: US, Running Time: 56 min
Gracie had a full life before her paralysis. She was first chair cello, she sang in a cappela groups, she created her own style of brilliant guitar playing and she danced ballet. Now she sits all day long. “There’s a lot of day to day struggles that go along with having disabilities, because I really need help with everything, from getting up to feeding me to helping me cough. I really can’t do anything on my own, physically. So music has been a way for me to stay in the present. It’s easy to look at what I’ve lost and be sad and depressed. It can be scary and overwhelming. Music is a way for me to stay present in the moment, and not think about what I’ve lost but what I still can do with music. My only limitation will be my imagination.
Director: James Erskine
Country: UK, Running Time: 96 min
Crafted from extraordinary unheard interviews, and restoring key performances into color for the first time, BILLIE is the story of the singer who changed the face of American music, and the journalist who died trying to tell it.
Director: Gregory Monro
Countries: France/Poland, Running Time: 72 min
Stanley Kubrick’s mark on the legacy of cinema can never be measured. He was a giant in his field, his great works resembling pristine pieces of art, studied by students and masters alike, all searching for answers their maker was notoriously reticent to give. While he’s among the most scrutinized filmmakers who ever lived, the chance to hear Kubrick’s own words was a rarity—until now. Through Michel Ciment, film critic internationally known for being an expert on Stanley Kubrick, and our advisor for this film, we have access to a series of rare interviews that occurred during their 30 years of relationship. Combined with extraordinary resources that Kubrick’s family allowed us to use, the film draws an intimate portrait of one of the most recognized, yet unheard, filmmakers of all time.
Directors: Sami Khan, Michael Gassert
Country: US, Running Time: 84 min
Three young Cuban baseball players leave their families and risk exile to train in Central America and chase their dreams of playing in the Major Leagues. Filmed over more than four years, THE LAST OUT tells the very human story of people caught between countries who want nothing more than to make a better life for their families.
Director: Alysa Nahmias
Country: US, Running Time: 89 min
An odyssey through the life and legacy of Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, the innovative artist and educator whose pioneering approach to integrating technology into design continues to influence and inspire.
Directors: Alex Bayer, Jonathan Mann, Mary Anne Rothberg
Country: US, Running Time: 67 min
Martin Scorsese reveals the story of a single performance in 1826 that forever changed America’s cultural landscape with the introduction of Italian opera to New York City — an event Mozart’s great librettist helped organize. Taking place in Scorsese’s childhood church, this watershed event was lost to history for almost 200 years, but has been rediscovered and the “lost oratorio” will be re-staged.
Shorts Programs
Shorts Package 1: Defining Moments
Director: Anthony Nti
Countries: Belgium/Ghana, Running Time: 20 min
On a sunny day in Ghana, a foreigner approaches two children and takes them on an unexpected trip. The three of them get along so well that “Bogah,” the foreigner, starts to question his initial intentions.
Director: Lyn Goldfarb
Country: US, Running Time: 19 min
EDDY’S WORLD takes us inside the mind and workshop of the man who invented the classic marble-and-sticks game Ker-Plunk!, the toy-turned-collectors’-item Stompers cars and an iconic gag that permeates American pop culture: the wind-up chattering teeth. At 98 years old, a still-sharp Goldfarb uses curiosity, creativity and optimism to keep inventing and remain young at heart.
Directors: Will McCormack, Michael Govier
Country: US, Running Time: 13 min
A man and woman struggle to come to terms with a devastating loss. An elegy on grief.
Director: Anna Ludwig
Country: Germany, Running Time: 23 min
It has never bothered 11-year-old Ole that his friend Benni has Down Syndrome. But now – on the threshold of puberty – their friendship is changing. Ole is in love for the first time and suddenly it’s no longer easy to stand by his friend.
Directors: Hugo Frassetto, Sophie Tavert Macian
Country: France, Running Time: 13 min
36,000 years ago in the Ardèche river gorge, when an animal was painted, it was hunted. When it is time to go painting and hunting, Karou the Painter and his apprentice Lani set off to paint the walls of the great cavern. But they hadn’t counted on meeting a cave lion.
Shorts Package 2: Unexpected Outcomes
Director: Bridget Moloney
Country: US, Running Time: 11 min
An existential comedy about the mother of two young children who begins to spontaneously vomit toy blocks.
Directors: Otalia Caussé, Geoffroy Collin, Louise Grardel, Antoine Marchand, Robin Merle, Fabien Meyran
Country: France, Running Time: 6 min
In Lisbon, a German married couple is about to get aboard the legendary n°28 tramway, but how should you react when the brakes let go and embark you on a vertiginous race with a baby on board?
Director: Jaci Kjernander
Country: US, Running Time: 11 min
Not your typical coming out story.
Director: Romuald Boulanger
Country: France, Running Time: 25 min
In a Los Angeles radio station, the host of an emblematic night talk show gives advice to live callers. One call might destroy his career, his family, and his life.
Director: Guy Lichtenstein
Country: Austria, Running Time: 22 min
Even though she is exceptionally talented, Sarah is still stuck performing at small events. Today she is performing at the wedding of her ex, Jurgen. The former couple tries to stay out of each other’s way but old memories and sacrifices emerge anyway.
Director: Tomer Shushan
Country: Israel, Running Time: 20 min
Omar accidentally finds his beloved white bike on the street, stolen a month earlier. As he tries to retrieve it, he begins a chain of events that quickly teaches him to radically question his own actions.
Shorts Package 3: Communication Breakdown
Director: Deepak Sethi
Country: US, Running Time: 8 min
Three Indian people imagine their personas as their “coffee shop names,” the names they give baristas because their real names are hard to pronounce.
Director: Maya Yadlin
Country: Israel, Running Time: 9 min
Parents and two daughters are driving through the desert, on their way to a holiday feast. The girls are sleeping in the back seat, but their tranquility is disturbed when dad hears a beloved song and tries to share the experience with them.
Director: Molly Manning Walker
Country: UK, Running Time: 13 min
In the aftermath of an attack, Amy is left voiceless, trapped in a whirlwind of incompetence. She must find a way to confront what has happened, in order to save what matters most to her.
Director: Shaofu Zhang
Countries: US/China, Running Time: 6 min
Based on the ancient Chinese creation myth, PANGU is a modern tale about parenthood and the differences between generations.
Director: Fernando Bonelli
Country: Spain, Running Time: 21 min
One day, life detaches you from the world. Without a warning. Isolation. It’s just like being alone in Space. This is what happened to Ana. No more albums, no more tours or stages. Music remained inside her, and so did Juan, her love, her Earth. After three years, Ana begins to feel strong. But today hasn´t been a good day for her. Today, her light shivers.
Director: Georgi M. Unkovski
Country: Macedonia, Running Time: 19 min
After an unsuccessful attempt to renew his car registration, Dejan falls in a bureaucratic trap that tests his determination to be a responsible father.
Shorts Package 4: Whatever It Takes
Director: The Bragg Brothers
Country: US, Running Time: 12 min
When a desperate father discovers his daughter’s favorite cake decoration is illegal, he descends into a confectionery black market. Now he must make the ultimate parenting choice: break a birthday promise or break the law?
Director: Alison Klayman
Country: US, Running Time: 28 min
FLOWER PUNK is a hypnotizing short documentary that brings you inside the other-worldly work and process of Japanese artist Azuma Makoto. Azuma has sent his floral sculptures into space and sunk them to the bottom of the ocean, but most of the time, he thinks about the life and death of flowers.
Director: Maya Albanese
Country: US, Running Time: 15 min
When Joy’s fairytale romance crashes and burns on the eve of her 35th birthday, the tick-tock of her biological clock pushes her to try new things. Joy ends up at Dream Life Lab & Clinic where an angry mob battles to get inside to see an eccentric egg freezing doctor who offers women peace of mind in exchange for their life savings.
Directors: Natalie Metzger, Robert Allaire
Country: US, Running Time: 11 min
A brilliant geneticist is on the verge of a breakthrough that could change humanity, but when her experiment is discovered, she will have to make an impossible choice.
Director: Álvaro Carmona
Country: Spain, Running Time: 9 min
A clinic offers what you’ve always wanted… for a low price.
Shorts Package 5: Connections
Director: Nina Brissey
Country: US, Running Time: 24 min
AMAZING GRACE tells the story of a young woman looking after her father, a Vietnam Veteran struggling with alcoholism and PTSD, in which dealing with the challenges of everyday life can require an extraordinary amount of patience, understanding, love… and grace.
Director: Doug Roland
Country: US, Running Time: 18 min
Tereek, a kind but guarded teen wandering the streets of New York, desperate for a place to crash, encounters Artie, a DeafBlind man needing help getting home. What begins as an awkward meeting between strangers quickly becomes an intimate bond between friends, and a nightlong journey that forever changes Tereek.
Directors: Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu, Dean Hamer, Joe Wilson
Country: US, Running Time: 8 min
KAPAEMAHU reveals the hidden history of four healing stones on Waikiki Beach, and the mysterious transgender spirits within them.
Director: Chloé Mazlo
Country: France, Running Time: 2 min
Deep in a forest, a gathering of wild animals start a nocturnal opera, conducted by a squirrel.
Director: Konstantinos Antonopoulos
Country: Greece, Running Time: 23 min
Trapped in a seemingly dull family vacation, Dimitra, Dimitris and their two daughters will have to find a way out of a secluded island in the Mediterranean, when confronted with the unexpected end of the world.
Shorts Package 6: Student Filmmaker Showcase
Director: Edward Loupe
Country: US, Running Time: 16 min
A dying man and his nurse have one last conversation. It changes her life forever.
Director: Nick Sherman
Country: US, Running Time: 6 min
A father sits down with his daughter to tell the story on how he became a superhero.
Director: Fransis Chicote
Country: US, Running Time: 3 min
Two high school science fair lab partners, with opposing approaches to botany, engage in an emotional argument that disrupts the chemical reactions of their experiment, thus turning them into bacteria. Now in bacterial form they must work together to return to human form, fix their project, and win the science fair.
Director: Ragini Bhasin
Country: US, Running Time: 15 min
A 13-year-old Afghan refugee hustles around in a refugee camp, trying to survive the harsh circumstances.
Directors: Maria McDonnell, Michael Verastegui
Country: US, Running Time: 6 min
In a lonely retirement home where the retired folks have resorted to keeping spiders for company, one man meets a spider who is determined to not let the neglected elderly miss out on the Christmas party they all deserve.
Director: Mason Mirabile
Country: US, Running Time: 5 min
How kids can help with the climate change crisis.
Director: James Brammer
Country: US, Running Time: 7 min
A NASA scientist in 2063 creates a powerful energy source, but before he can transmit it for mass production, a mysterious force shows him a desolate future. Will he choose fame and fortune or will he save the world without anyone knowing?
Director: Geena Marie Hernandez
Country: US, Running Time: 14 min
A naïve teen discovers just how hairy growing up can be when she embarks on an overnight class camping field trip, braving big rumors, big boobs, and even Bigfoot.
Director: Alex Lycette
Country: US, Running Time: 6 min
SEEING PURPLE captures the journey of a racist, young man as he discovers beauty within people’s differences. After an existential realization, the character learns to see that differences create beauty, and he begins to observe the uniqueness, or the “purple flower,” within those he once hated. The film was created to speak against a series of racially-violent events in the Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania community.
Director: Samuel Mirpoorian
Country: US, Running Time: 11 min
After carrying the burden of misfortune throughout his life, a single father seeks redemption as he raises his son.
Shorts Package 7: Florida Films
Director: John Pendygraft
Country: US, Running Time: 7 min
An autistic child melts down. An officer makes a decision. A family suffers the consequences.
Directors: Kenna Hornibrook, Crissy Peters
Country: US, Running Time: 7 min
While transporting packaged souls to the afterlife, Persephone discovers that true friends can be found even in the damnedest of places.
Director: Christina Rosetti
Country: US, Running Time: 24 min
THE LONG HAUL 100 follows Katie Rozar on her training and race journey to run a 100-mile ultra marathon for the first time. Katie approaches running from a scientific angle, turning her training into an equation to test her mental and physical abilities. As the race begins to weigh on her we see there is no perfect calculation but the drive to finish and a strong support system.
Director: Aaron Hosé
Country: US, Running Time: 9 min
Castle Church Brewing Community, America’s first modern-day church-owned brewery, is reintroducing the age-old concept of combining faith-based fellowship and beer under the same roof. Patrons from all walks of life are welcome to grab a pint, join in on a prayer, or both.
Alice Gu’s THE DONUT KING Opens Naples International Film Festival: October 22-25, 2020 virtual and in-person events among BANKSY MOST WANTED