Ten Most Recent Films: The Sundance/Slamdance Deluge Begins…

The demands of seeing films for this site, as well as to prepare for the interviews on the Daily Buzz, means watching A LOT of films from Sundance and Slamdance as quickly as I can fit them in. I’ll be reviewing most, maybe not all, but somehow, someway, be it on this site or on the Daily Buzz show, I’ll be weighing in on them. I’ll say right now – I’m REALLY looking forward to writing about Bill Watterson’s DAVE MADE A MAZE. That one has the early lead for favorite film I’ve seen here thus far.
So what have you been watching…?
1 WHAT LIES UPSTEAM (DIR: Cullen Hoback) – Slamdance
2 LOOK AND SEE: A PORTRAIT OF WENDELL BERRY (DIRS: Laura Dunn & Jef Sewell) – Sundance
3 AXOLOTL OVERKILL (DIR: Helene Hegemann) – Sundance
4 DESERT HEARTS (DIR: Donna Deitch) – Sundance
5 MOTHERLAND (DIR: Ramona Diaz) – Sundance
6 SAMI BLOOD (DIR: Amanda Kernell) – Sundance
7 DAVE MADE A MAZE (DIR: Bill Watterson) – Slamdance
8 FREE AND EASY (DIR: Jun Geng) – Sundance
9 VENGEANCE IS MINE (DIR: Shohei Imamura) – DVD
10 MEDIUM COOL (DIR: Haskell Wexler) – DVD