The Oxford Film Festival‘s second red carpet featured Max Walker-Silverman’s festival hit A LOVE SONG. The director and Rising Star Award honoree was joined by two members of the film’s cast – star Dale Dickey, who was given the Breakthrough Award, and Marty Grace Dennis. There was also a reunion of the Sound Unseen film festival and the filmmakers from BEING BEBE, who had a huge screening there last Fall, and some filmmaker moms and family members on hand to see their filmmaker kids enjoy a socially distanced red carpet rock star moment.
Tom Huang (DEALING WITH DAD) being photographed (Photo by Wildman)
DEALING WITH DADA’s Tom Huang (DIR/SCR) (Photo by Joey Brent)
DEALING WITH DAD writer/director Tom Huang (Photo by Joey Brent)
Tom Huang (DEALING WITH DAD) gets his close up. (Photo by Wildman)
Oxford FF jury member, Richard Gill (Photo by Joey Brent)
Sound Unseen Festival Director Richard Gill (Photo by Joey Brent)
A close up for Rich Gill (Photo by Wildman)
Tom Huang (DEALING WITH DAD) being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
“Every Breath You Take” director Hunter Heath (Photo by Joey Brent)
Hunter Heath (“Every Breath You Take”) gets his close-up. (Photo by Wildman)
Emily White (“Every Breath You Take”) being photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
Emily White with the amazing pink dress on the red carpet. (Photo by Joey Brent)
Emily White’s close up (Photo by Wildman)
Hunter Heath and Emily White (“Every Breath You Take” being photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
Hunter Heath and Emily White (“Every Breath You Take”) (Photo by Joey Brent)
“Every Breath You Take”‘s Hunter Heath (DIR), Emily White (Singer) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Hunter Heath and Emily White are ready for their close up. (Photo by Wildman)
“Every Breath You Take” singer Emily White with her mother, Angela White (Photo by Joey Brent)
Angela and “Every Breath You Take” singer Emily White (Photo by Joey Brent)
Tom Burton (DP) with his director, Hunter Heath “Every Breath You Take” (Photo by Joey Brent)
The DP and the director get a close up. (Photo by Wildman)
Close up of the “Every Breath You Take” crew. (Photo by Wildman)Emily White and Hunter Heath (“Every Breath You Take”) being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)Lucinda Roberts (SOS) being photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
Lucinda Roberts, director of SOS (Photo by Joey Brent)
SOS director Lucinda Roberts (Photo by Joey Brent)
The close up shot for Lucinda Roberts (SOS) (Photo by Wildman)
Lucinda Roberts (SOS) being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
Filmmakers in nice jackets being photographed: OXFORD: A PLACE FOR ARTS’ Jackson Strickland and Jonathan Clayton (Photo by Wildman)
Jackson Strickland (DIR) and Jonathan Clayton (PROD) (OXFORD: A PLACE FOR ARTS) (Photo by Joey Brent)
OXFORD: A PLACE FOR ART’s Jackson Strickland (DIR), Jonathan Clayton (PROD) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Oxford FF, a place to get your photo taken (Photo by Joey Brent)
And the resulting close up: Jackson Strickland and Jonathan Clayton (OXFORD: A PLACE FOR ARTS) (Photo Wildman)
Jackson Strickland and Jonathan Clayton being interviewed (Photo by Joey Brent)
RUDENEJA’s Autumn Payne being photographed (Photo by Wildman)
RUDENEJA’s Autumn Payne (Photo by Joey Brent)
Autumn Payne (DIR/SCR/DP of RUDENEJA) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Autumn Payne gets her close up (Photo by Wildman)
Autumn Payne literally gets her 1st AD Julia Dent in the picture. (Photo by Wildman)
The RUDENEJA filmmaking duo of Julia Dent (1st AD) and Autumn Payne (DIR/SCR/DP) (Photo by Joey Brent)
RUDENEJA’s Julia Dent (1st AD), Autumn Davis (DIR/SCR/DP) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Photographing Team RUDENEJA (Photo by Joey Brent)
And the close up for the RUDENEJA duo (Julia Dent, Autumn Payne) (Photo by Wildman)
The Payne family on the red carpet: Mom Anne, sister Katelyn, filmmaker kid Autumn, and dad Kevin (Photo by Joey Brent)
Autumn Payne and Julia Dent (RUDENEJA) being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)Nathan Emerson and Kelsey Hammer (THAT THING THAT SOUND) being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
THAT THING THAT SOUND’s Nathan Emerson (Co-DIR.SCR/PROD) and Kelsey Hammer Parks (DP/ED) (Photo by Joey Brent)
THAT THING THAT SOUND’s Nathan Emerson (Co-DIR.SCR/PROD) and Kelsey Hammer Parks (DP/ED) (Photo by Joey Brent)
THAT THING THAT SOUND…that close up for Nathan Emerson and Kelsey Hammer (Photo by Wildman)
Nathan Emerson and Kelsey Hammer (THAT THING THAT SOUND) being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
Oxford Film Festival’s Mindy Van Kuren rocking an amazing white ensemble. (Photo by Joey Brent)
Oxford Film Festival Mindy Van Kuren (Photo by Joey Brent)
Oxford’s acting royalty, Johnny and Susan McPhail (Photo by Joey Brent)
Johnny and Susan McPhail (Photo by Joey Brent)
IN THE MOUNTAINS director Wally Chung (Photo by Joey Brent)
The unofficial Mayor of Oxford FF, Wally Chung (Photo by Joey Brent)
Wally Chung (IN THE MOUNTAINS) gets his close up. (Photo by Wildman)
Interim Executive Director of the 2022 Oxford FF, Jim Brunzell (Photo by Joey Brent)
Oxford Film Festival’s interim Executive Director, Jim Brunzell (Photo by Joey Brent)
The Jim Brunzel close up (Photo by Wildman)
A LOVE SONG’s Marty Grace Dennis (Photo by Joey Brent)
A LOVE SONG’s Marty Grace Dennis (Photo by Joey Brent)
Marty Grace Dennis gets her close up. (Photo by Wildman)
Dale Dickey, star of A LOVE SONG (Photo by Joey Brent)
Oxford Film Festival’s Breakout Star Honoree Dale Dickey (Photo by Joey Brent)
Dale Dickey’s close up (Photo by Wildman)
The Oxford Rising Star honoree, Max Walker-Silverman (Photo by Joey Brent)
A LOVE SONG director Max Walker- Silverman (Photo by Joey Brent)
Max Walker-Silverman’s close up (Photo by Wildman)
The A LOVE SONG trio being photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
A LOVE SONG’s Dale Dickey (CAST), Max Walker-Silverman (DIR), Marty Grace Dennis (CAST) (Photo by Joey Brent)
The trio from A LOVE SONG: Dale Dickey, Max Walker-Silverman, and Marty Grace Dennis (Photo by Joey Brent)
Oxford FF’s Jim Brunzell joins the A LOVE SONG team (Photo by Joey Brent)
And their close up.. (Photo by Wildman)
The A LOVE SONG trio being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)Anquanizia Hall (OTIS/HOLLYWOOD DREAMS) being photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
Anquanizia Hall (OTIS & HOLLYWOOD DREAMS) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Anquanizia Hall (Director of OTIS, Co-Writer of HOLLYWOOD DREAMS) (Photo by Joey Brent)
When you have more than one film in a film festival, you deserve a close up: Anquanizia Hall (OTIS/HOLLYWOOD DREAMS) (Photo by Wildman)
Anquanizia Hall (OTIS/HOLLYWOOD DREAMS) being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)Melody Gilbert (JUDY’S THOUGHTS) being photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
Melody Gilbert, director of JUDY’S THOUGHTS (Photo by Joey Brent)
JUDY’S THOUGHTS director Melody Gilbert (Photo by Joey Brent)
There’s no hiding form your close up: Melody Gilbert (JUDY’S THOUGHTS) (Photo by Wildman)
INVENTORY’s Bailey Plumley (Photo by Joey Brent)
Bailey Plumley (Director of INVENTORY) killed it with the floral jacket. (Photo by Joey Brent)
Bailey Plumley (INVENTORY) with the close up (Photo by Wildman)
BEING BEBE’s Marc Smolowitz and Emily Branham being photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
BEING BEBE’s producer and director, Marc Smolowitz and Emily Branham (Photo by Joey Brent)
Producer Marc Smolowitz and director Emily Branham (BEING BEBE) (Photo by Joey Brent)
BEING BEBE’s Marc Smolowitz and Emily Branham get the close up treatment. (Photo by Wildman)
The Minnesota reunion: Jim Brunzel, Marc Smolowitz, Emily Branham, Rich Gill (BEING BEBE enjoyed a big screening at the Sound Unseen Film + Music Festival last fall.) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Bailey Plumley (INVENTORY) being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)Marc Smolowitz and Emily Branham (BEING BEBE) being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)Melody Gilbert (JUDY’S THOUGHTS) being interviewedROOTS OF FIRE’s co-directors Jeremey Lavoi and Abby Berendt Lavoi being photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
The couple that makes films together.. ROOTS OF FIRE’s Jeremey and Abby Berendt Lavoi (Photo by Joey Brent)
ROOTS OF FIRE’s co-directors Jeremey Lavoi and Abby Berendt Lavoi (Photo by Joey Brent)
Close up on ROOTS OF FIRE’s Jeremey Lavoi and Abby Berendt Lavoi (Photo by Wildman)
Michael Joseph McDonald (“Freedom”) being photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
Michael Joseph McDonald, writer/director of “Freedom” (Photo by Joey Brent)
“Freedom”‘s Michael Joseph McDonald (DIR/SCR) (Photo by Joey Brent)
Michael Joseph McDonald (“Freedom”) gets his close up. (Photo by Wildman)
FEARLESS 11’s director Ashley Gibson (Photo by Joey Brent)
Ashley Gibson, director of FEARLESS 11 (Photo by Joey Brent)
Ashley Gibson (THE FEARLESS 11) with the close up. (Photo by Wildman)
Michael Joseph McDonald (“Fearless” being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
Vivian Gibson joins her daughter Ashley (director of THE FEARLESS 11) on the red carpet. (Photo by Joey Brent)
FEARLESS 11’s Ashley Gibson is joined on the carpet by her proud mom, Vivian (Photo by Joey Brent)
The FEARLESS 11 mother/daughter close up (Photo by Wildman)
The CLOVER filmmaking team of Jonathan D’Rozario and William Chiriboga being photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
The CLOVER filmmaking team of Jonathan D’Rozario and William Chiriboga (Photo by Joey Brent)
CLOVER’s Jonathan D’Rozario (DIR/SCR/PROD/CAST) and William Chiriboga (PROD) (Photo by Joey Brent)
CLOVER’s Jonathan D’Rozario (DIR/SCR/PROD/CAST) and William Chiriboga (PROD) get the close up. (Photo by Wildman)
Ashley Gibson (THE FEARLESS 11) being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
DANCE TILL DAWN’s Ayesha Adamo (Photo by Joey Brent)
DANCE TILL DAWN writer Ayesha Adamo (Photo by Joey Brent)
Ayesha Adamo (DANCE TILL DAWN) with the close up. (Photo by Wildman)
CLOVER’s Jonathan D’Rozario (DIR/SCR/PROD/CAST) and William Chiriboga (PROD) being interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
A PLACE CALLED HOME producer Nathan Bannister (Photo by Joey Brent)
Nathan Bannister (A PLACE CALLED HOME) photographed. (Photo by Wildman)
Nathan Bannister, producer of A PLACE CALLED HOME (Photo by Joey Brent)
And…the close up for Nathan Bannister (A PLACE CALLED HOME) (Photo by Wildman)
Oxfilm’s Board President Steven Case with the producer of all the killer parties and so much more, Matt Wymer (Photo by Joey Brent)
Nathan Bannister (A PLACE CALLED HOME) interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)Jeremey and Abby Berendt Lavoi (ROOTS OF FIRE) interviewed. (Photo by Wildman)
Filmmakers unite! The BEING BEBE team, ROOTS OF FIRE couple, and JUDY’S THOUGHTS, all in one awesome photo to wrap it up. (Photo by Joey Brent)
Ashley Gibson (THE FEARLESS 11) photographed by her mom, Vivian, while being interviewed on the red carpet. You can’t beat that for your first film festival with your first film. (Photo by Wildman)
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